
Bege Bahia Marble

Bege Bahia Marble Slabs

Beige Bahia slabs come from nature. The marble extraction process begins in quarries, that is, natural reserves of rocky mountains, where these stones are found in their natural state. The marble is extracted through cuts made with diamond wires and tools that slice through the massive mountains, thus extracting them in blocks.

Bege Bahia and Its Transformations

Through specific machinery, looms with diamond tools, the sawmills slice these blocks into slabs or plates. Beige Bahia Marble slabs typically have an average size of 2.85 meters in length by 1.65 meters in height. After this entire process, the slabs can be further processed into honed, brushed, polished, or chiseled finishes, thus giving the first finish to the piece still in its natural state.

Flexibility after Transformation

Once processed, the slabs are ready to be used in the production of items such as, for example, sinks, washbasins, floors, stairs, tables, thresholds, columns, windowsills, fireplaces.